



How to create passion in our everyday life


I LOVE passion! It is one of my favorite emotions that gets that fire inside of me burning!

 As we have learned from our heroines in books, and in my previous blog, How to incorporate Romantic living into our life, we first have to become who we truly are before being able to attract or give to our partner.


I want to dive deeper into the third point we touched in that post which was: Seek for passion and love in what you do

     Imagine what it would feel like waking up each morning eager to get up and go to work, because that is exactly what you are passionate about.

So what is passion?

It is a strong feeling or emotion. An object of someone’s love, liking or desire. is all about emotions, the motivation of what makes us feel good, it is wild and exciting. It can be a form of self expression, in art or a physical activity. It is all about feeling, not thinking.

Let’s establish, that in this particular blog post, the passion we are talking about is Passion in life, do not be confused with passion in love, at the start of a sexual or romantic relationship and the feeling towards another person (which is totally delicious…) That, my friend, we will talk about later in a different blog post.  

Passion in life allows us to create something extraordinary , passion is the fuel that keeps the fire burning

We all become tired or frustrated at some point, since things or situations will not flow perfectly at times. But passion is what helps you get up again and try it one more time.

Not everyone knows what they are passionate about and sometimes it is not easy to find. A book that I would recommend is The Artist’s Way. Even though it is geared towards unblocking the “blocked” artist, It helps the reader discover in twelve weeks who they truly are. Sometimes we might be afraid and repress our deepest love and desire due to external influences that  we, our family, friends or society allow to get in our heads. This book makes you look within and find yourself. (It does have some religious context but in the introduction of the book, it states to feel free to ignore this or to substitute with the word of your choice.)

In this 12 week workbook, morning pages and the artist date is the core and foundation of transformation. My copy is highlighted all over and I strongly suggest it.


The bracelet I'm wearing is from a webpage called My Intent , what is your word? You can customize and put any word that resonates with you. I bought it with my own money and have been wearing it for years now.

I truly hope this post helps you find your passion and have a Romantic way of Living.

I leave this post with a quote “Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” Oprah Winfrey

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