



12 steps to becoming a better you- Priyanka Chopra Jonas


Early in the morning at 5 am I like to wake up, meditate and watch a couple of videos where they will set me off to a graat day! I will then journal and I am ready for my day. This process usually takes from 5am to 6:50am when my children wake up and we get ready for their school day ahead. I often encounter wonderful videos and this is one of them.

Here are Priyanka Chopra Jonas's 12 rules to becoming a better you:

1- There’s only one you. Understand who really that person is, and find your unique self. That is the best version of you.

2- Let your dreams fly! Give them wings, you have all you need within yourself to be who you want to be just by being fearless.

3-Be ambitious, take and explore new opportunities. There is nothing wrong with being ambitious!

4-Be greedy and hungry for your ambition. Don’t be scared to want more for yourself than you ever thought you could.

5- Do not settle and compromise on your dreams,  No one can tell you who you should be and fight for your dreams 

6- Fail, fail, fail again and then rise like a phoenix. Because, You will fail and there is nothing to do about that. It’s what you do after that, that will define where you go. Get up, cry a little, then dust yourself off and dive straight back into life because the only way to push failure aside is to move ahead, not ignore it, analyze it and learn from it. Alway remember you will never truly enjoy success until you have tasted failure. 

7- Take calculated educated risks to evolve . Because if you haven't truly explored the full extent of your possibilities you will always remain stagnant. Be bold and take risks and back them up with your 100% of effort.

8-Surround yourself with the right people and choose them wisely.

9- You cannot please everyone all the time. No matter what you do, someone will always be unhappy. It is easy to be confused between the voices that actually matter and the opinions of faceless people. Those don't matter.

10- Don’t take yourself too seriously, have FUN and enjoy this beautiful journey!

11-Give back. Don't be quick to judge, be kind, be compassionate, be human and give back wherever you can.

12- Always remember where you came from and be proud of it because it's part of what makes you who you are. Don't forget your roots and where you came from.

“Life’s journey is not to arrive at your graveside safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, completely worn out and say-holy shit! That was a ride!”

I love sharing with you tools that I have found so very helpful in my own sensual warrior's journey journey, subscribe here

Here is the direct link to the video 

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