



Latin Lovers in Puerto Vallarta!


Journey as a romance author-

 Contemporary Romance novel, Latin Lovers series book one is on its final editing round, and

I’m so excited this romance novel is entering this final stage after such a long journey…

A contemporary romance set in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico! How hot is that? 

Nikki Evans, a North American scarred journalist falls for Diego San Roman, a famous Mexican chef!  This inter-ethnic relationship has all you want in a romance novel. (more on the characters and story plot on a different blog post …)

Why is it set in Puerto Vallarta, Mx?

Well, I decided to set this Latin Lovers series in Puerto Vallarta where I lived for over 10 years, because I believe it would be the perfect set for the new Latin Lovers  romance novel series. Its beautiful beaches, sexy-curvy women, and fearless tanned men were inspirational in the writing of this inter-ethnic romance. 



My process through this first novel was not an easy one, as I began writing it in April of last year and abruptly stopped 25,000 words in during the summer. Fear took over me, and sabotaged my confidence. No one in particular said anything to me, heck, no one had even read it! It was all in my head…

I had written two fantasy middle grade books before, but suddenly felt unprepared, unqualified and an imposter. I felt I was playing in the big girls team without ever going  to a single training. 

What did I do? Stepped back and decided to take the whole year off. I would read books about the craft (outline, structure, plot, characters etc etc) and read as many romance novels as I could. I would train and prepare myself. I had no idea when I wanted to return to the project though….Until one day in March of this year, as I was organizing  paperwork at home, I ran across a copy of the manuscript of what I had so far. 

I read over the first few pages….. Hmmmm interesting I thought. I kind of liked what I had written so far. I had forgotten so much of the details, characters and plot, that as I read more, it was as if I was learning about this story for the first time. I kept reading and after 25,000 words I felt good about myself. I actually thought it was not that bad. Of course it could be improved, but there was something there. A little embryo of a novel waiting to be fully developed.

I gave it a few twists and turns that I had not thought about before. Changed my protagonist name three times, (I will reveal those in a newsletter, re-wrote it all in third person and then changed it back into first! And now here we are, with a smile on my face as I write this blog post. 

So, as you can see my friend, fear paralyzes us, it stops us from becoming who we want to be. 

I have written my first contemporary romance novel! I know it’s not perfect and I also know I will do better in the next one, but  I can’t wait to share it with you! 

Sign in to my newsletter and don’t miss out on exclusive charater interviews, free chapters and giveaways of this Latin Lovers contemporary romance novel series! 


Aggie Unda-Tames


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